A water chemist from my college days, I served as a U. S. National Research Council Senior Research Associate in the 1980's detailed out to NASA-Johnson Space Center and NASA-Ames Research Center to investigate water reclamation and recycling for shuttle, space station, long duration space travel and permanently manned moon and Mars sites. During this time, I  developed an approach to sustainable potable water production, reclamation and recycling useable in space and on Earth. This approach employed biological rather than physical-chemical-mechanical treatment. The premise was that "spacecraft Earth" had sustainably reclaimed and recycled potable water for eons, and that humans had become evolutionarily adapted. Fresh potable water, however, is not "pure" water (pure water is a strongly corrosive solvent), but rather an approximately 4 to 10% solution of volatile and dissolved organic compounds that fit the human perception of the smell, taste, physical and "medical" qualities of potable fresh water. 

In 1993, I created a private research effort to explore sustainable testbed production of biologically reclaimed and recycled fresh water that not only met Earth but also NASA potable water quality standards, as well as further explore the various organic compounds included in various plant-recycled potable waters. I discovered that of the typical 4 to 10% of organic compounds present, only about 40% were identifiable using the latest organic identification technology. These included a number of water-soluble, assumably pharmacologically-active compounds. That left 60% which were unidentifiable, biologically-active phytopharmacologics. 

In around 1996, I created a laboratory in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA and proceeded to establish proof-of-concept by producing various biologically-active potable water products, investigating further their unique physical and chemical properties. 

For a comprehensive list of major publications and presentations, click here

Plant Transpiration Water Reclamation Testbeds I Have Developed

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