It's been my privilege to serve as teacher, instructor, mentor for, and, in some instances, creator of numerous post-secondary courses throughout my lifetime. Here a list of the main ones:


ENG 90 Equivalent - TOEFL by Internet - Intercultural Communications College - January 97 to Dec 99 - Ongoing, asynchronous, multimedia, internet-based version of TOEFL 2 by distance.  Created, programmed, administered and taught by me. 

ENG 94 Equivalent - TOEFL 1 (TOEFL and Community College Preparation - Introductory Level) - Intercultural Communications College, January 98  to Dec 2010.  I codeveloped and supervised the teaching of this classroom-based course and taught  the course on occasion as a substitute instructor.

ENG 96 Equivalent - TOEFL 2 (TOEFL and College Preparation - Foundation Level) - Intercultural Communications College - January 96 to present - classroom course developed, taught and supervised by me.  I developed, taught this course continuously from Jan 99 through December 2009.

ENG 98 Equivalent - English for Health Professionals ("Nursing in USA") - Intercultural Communications College - Winter 2007, 2009 - developed and taught English for international nurses to meet TOEFL and US nursing license requirements.

ENG 99 - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2010 - developed and taught college preparation course emphasizing the American style of writing for international students.

Undergraduate (Alphabetic by area)
BIO 120 - Human Anatomy and Physiology - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010/2012, Spring 2013 - developed and taught undergraduate freshman-level course in human anatomy and physiology for liberal arts, psychology, education and health care majors. 

BIO 280 Equivalent - Preventive and Protective Health Practices - former Hawaii College of Health Sciences (HCHS)  - Spring 01, Fall 02, Spring 03, Fall 03 - classroom course developed and taught at HCHS for massage therapist training and licensing.

BIO 285 Equivalent - Neuroanatomy -  former Hawaii College of Health Sciences (HCHS) -  Spring 2004 - classroom course developed and taught at HCHS for massage therapist training and licensing.

BIO 290 Equivalent - Ethics for Health Practitioners -  former Hawaii College of Health Sciences (HCHS) - Spring 01,  Spring/Summer 02, Fall/Spring/Summer 03 - classroom  course developed and taught at HCHS for massage therapist training and licensing. 

COMM 105 - Public Speaking - Upper Iowa University at Intercultural Communications College (ICC) Honolulu - Fall 2007; Fall 2009 - taught undergraduate freshman-level public speaking course at ICC.

COM 110 - Medical Terminology -  Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010 - developed and taught undergraduate freshman-level course in human anatomy and physiology for liberal arts, psychology, education and health care majors.

ENG 101 Basic Composition - taught in conjunction with Upper Iowa University at Intercultural Communications College (ICC) Honolulu - Fall/Winter 2002, Fall/Winter 2003, Fall/Winter/Spring 2004, Fall/Winter 2005, Fall/Winter 2006, Fall/Spring/Summer 2007; Spring/Fall 2008; Fall 2009  - taught undergraduate freshman-level written composition course emphasizing essay writing, focusing on the American expository essay.  I also provided administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students taking this course for credit by distance.  Classroom-based.

ENG 101 English Composition I - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer/Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Summer 2012, Autumn 2012 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in basic composition..

ENG 102 English Composition II - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2010, Summer/Spring 2012, Autumn 2012 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in advanced composition, focusing on the American academic research paper

ENG 102 - Composition II - taught in conjunction with Upper Iowa University at Intercultural Communications College.  Fall/Winter 2002, Fall/Winter 2003, Fall/Winter/Spring 2004, Fall/Winter 2005, Spring/Summer 2006, Spring/Summer 2006.   Taught freshman-level written composition emphasizing research and the American academic research paper.  I also provided administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students taking this course for credit by distance. 

ENG 102/110/155 - Academic and Business Composition (Research Paper emphasis) - taught in conjunction with Heald College at Heald Coolege, Honolulu, HI, Winter 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.   I provided administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students at Intercultural Communications College taking this course for credit.  Classroom-based.

EARTH SCI 290 Equivalent - Human Space Exploration and Biospherics - former Kensington Community College -  Spring 91 - designed and taught introductory classroom course on earth and space sciences.

EARTH SCI 299 Equivalent - Introduction to Space Life Sciences, Planetary Ecology and Biospherics - Univeristy of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Fall/Winter/Spr 93 - 95.   I co-lectured and mentored first and second year community college students in this field-based course.

MATH 110 - College Algebra - taught in conjunction with Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.  Winter 2002.   I provide administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students at Intercultural Communications College taking this course for credit by distance. Classroom-based.

HS 1011 - Medical Terminology - taught in conjunction with Weber State University, Ogden, UT.  Fall 2004.  I provided administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students at Intercultural Communications College taking this course for credit by distance.  Classroom-based.

PHIL 101 - Contemporary Ethics - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2012 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in philosophy for liberal arts, psychology, business, education and health care majors.

PHIL 301 - Philosophy of Religion - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Winter 2012 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in philosophy for liberal arts, psychology, business, education and health care majors.

PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2011, Summer 2012, Winter 2012, Summer/Sprine 2013 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, business, education and health care majors.

PSY 190 - Introduction to Psychology - Upper Iowa University - Spring 2007.  I provided local instruction, administrative supervision and mentorship for international students at Intercultural Communications College taking this classroom based course for credit by distance.

PSY 350 - Physiological Psychology - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010, Fall 2012 - Taught undergraduate junior-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, education and health care majors.

PSY 360 - Cognition and Learning - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010 - Taught undergraduate junior-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, business, education and health care majors.

PSY 363 - Cognitive Psychology - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010 - Taught undergraduate junior-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, business, education and health care majors.

PSY 450 - History and Systems of Psychology -  Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2010 - Taught undergraduate senior-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, education and health care majors.

SCI110 - Rise of Modern Science - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Summer 2012 - Taught undergraduate freshman-level course in psychology for liberal arts, psychology, education and health care majors.

SCI 115 - The Ecological Perspective - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2010, Spring/Summer 2011, Summer 2012 - developed and taught undergraduate freshman-level course in ecology and the ecological perspective.

SCI 201 - Ecological and Environmental Sustainability - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2013 - developed and taught undergraduate freshman-level course in ecological and environmental sustainability.

SCI 215 - Contemporary Applications of the Sciences - Argosy University Hawaii College of Liberal Arts - Summer 2013 - developed and taught undergraduate sophomore-level course in contemporary applications of modern sciences

TMA 150-002 - Public Speaking - taught in conjunction with Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.  Winter 2004.  I provided administrative supervision, local instruction and mentorship for international students at Intercultural Communications College taking this course for credit by distance.

WRI 1200 - Research, Argument and Writing (Research paper emphasis) -  Hawaii Pacific University Department of Writing - Spring 2006 (2 sections) -  taught undergraduate freshman-level written composition course at downtown campus.  Approved by by both College of Liberal Arts and Military Outreach Program to teach English Composition 1100/1200 (required Freshman English composition courses).

Clinical Psychology
PP 7040 - Cognitive and Affective Processes - Argosy University Hawaii - Fall 2009/10 - developed and taught doctoral level course emphasizing the neurobiology of human cognitive and affective processes including learning and memory.

PP 7050 - Physiological Psychology - Argosy University Hawaii - Spring 2010 - developed and taught doctoral level course emphasizing neurobiologically-based physiology of human psychology.

PP 7051 - Biological Basis of Behavior - Argosy University Hawaii - Spring 2010 - developed and taught doctoral level course emphasizing the neurobiological bases of human behavior including thinking, learning and memory.

PP 8015 - Psychology and Trauma - Argosy University Hawaii - Fall 2010 - developed and taught doctoral level course on the psychological effects of trauma.

Earth and Space Sciences
AL-4.01-LS - Introduction to Space Life Sciences - International Space University, Summer 90.  I co-developed and co-taught this classroom-based course for post-doctoral level space scientists.

AL-4.02-LS - Space Life Sciences II - International Space University, Summer 90.  I codeveloped and co-taught this classroom-based  course for post-doctoral level space scientists. 

SD 513 - The Neurobiological Foundations of Learning - SelfDesign Graduate Institute - Winter 2013 - developed and taught master's level distance learning course for SelfDesign educators emphasizing current neurobiological theories of contemporary educational learning, teaching and mentorship.

DP 5000 - Psychopharmacology Foundations - Argosy University Hawaii - Fall 2010 - developed and taught post-doctoral foundations course for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

DP 6200 - Pathophysiology - Argosy University Honolulu - Spring 2006, 2007; 2008, 2009, 2010 -  developed and taught post-doctoral course on human pathophysiology for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

DP 6300 - Introduction to Physical Assessment and Laboratory Exams - Argosy University Hawaii - Spring 2006, Fall 2007, 2008; 2009, 2010 - developed and taught post-doctoral level course on medical history, physical examination and major laboratory tests for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

DP 6400 - Neurophysiology - Argosy University Hawaii - Spring 2006, 2007, 2008; 2009, Summer 2010 - developed and taught post-doctoral level course on the neurobiological and neurophysiological foundations of thought and behavior for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

DP 6800 - Applied Cinical Psychopharmacology Seminar I - Argosy University Hawaii - Fall 2010 - developed and headed post-doctoral level course on professional, ethical, and legal issues associated with the use of pharmacological agents for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

DP 6900 - Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychopharmacology - Argosy University Hawaii - Fall 2010 - developed and taught post-doctoral level course on the neurobiological and neurophysiological foundations of thought and behavior for clinical psychologists seeking prescriptive authority.

School Psychology
PS 7300 - Physiological Psychology - Argosy University Hawaii - Spring 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010  - developed and taught master’s level course on the neurobiological basis of school psychology emphasizing traumatic and transformative learning.

Public Health
PH 690 Equivalent - Medical Consequence Management of Chemical, Biological, Radiation & Nuclear (CBRN) Events.  US Army at Tripler Army Medical Center - January 98 - distance learning enduring CD-ROM multimedia course developed and directed by me for masters level health care providers and administrators involved in CBRN events.

PH 788 - Environmental Sciences and Health -  University of Hawaii at Manoa former School of Public Health (now Office of Public Health Studies) - Spring 93, 94 - masters level course emphasizing health consequences of and mitigation strategies for environmental issues developed and taught to public health students

PH 820 Equivalent - Medical Effects of Air Pollutants - University of Utah Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Winter 95 - classroom course developed for environmental and occupational medicine residency students.

PH 900 Equivalent - Family and Environmental Medicine Senior Student Seminar - University of Alabama at Huntsville former Center for Space Life Sciences - Winter, 90 - classroom course developed for post-doctoral professionals interested in space medicine. 

School of Business Leadership
B6007 - Psychological Foundations of Leadership - Argosy University Hawaii Graduate School of Business Leadership - Summer 2010 - developed and taught doctoral level course on the psychological bases of leadership including generative leadership.

 It's also been my privilege to serve as an invited lecturer to various post-secondary courses. Here's some of the main ones:


AGRON 360 - Soils Science Assessment.  University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Winter 94. 

ASTR 111 - Astronomy.  Leeward Community College of the University of Hawaii.  Winter 96.

BIOL 130 - Ethno-Biology.   Chaminade University Academic Enrichment and Outreach Program.  Winter 96.

EARTH AND SPACE SCI 290 Equivalent - Water Resources Assessment and Management.  Nature Conservancy former Environmental Educator Internship Program (now Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future-LEAF). June 94.

EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES 680 Equivalent - Human Space Exploration.  Naval Postgraduate Institute (now Naval Postgraduate School).  Winter 88/89.

EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES 699 Equivalent - Moscow University/USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Biomedical Problems at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (now Space Biology and Medicine International Summer School).  Winter 90.
ENV 220 Equivalent - Water Quality Assessment and Contamination Mitigation.  Leeward Community College Marine Option Program.  Winter 94.

GEOG 326 - Environment and Urbanization.  University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Spring 95.

LING 201 - Introduction to Linguistics.  Brigham Young University Hawaii.  Winter 2004, Spring 2005, Winter 2006.

LING 423 - Language Acquisition.  Spring 05.

Ling 490 Equivalent - Senior Interdisciplinary Class for Teachers of English as a Second Language - Brigham Young University Hawaii.  Autumn 2005.

PH 788 - Environmental Sciences and Health - University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Public Health (now University of Hawaii at Manoa Office of Public Health Studies).  Spring 92.

SPACE SCI 601-620 Equivalent - Microgravity Plant Sciences.  Former University of Moscow at Krasnoyarsk.  Invited lecturer for 5 classroom lectures, Fall 89. 

SPACE SCI 554 Equivalent - Space Biology and Botany.  University of Tennessee Knoxville.  Invited lecturer for 2 lectures, Fall 89. 

ENG 698 Equivalent - Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar.  University of Alabama at Huntsville.  Invited lecturer for 1 classroom lecture, Fall 89.

SPEC STUDIES 800 - Environmental Health Seminar.   University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.  Invited lecturer for 1 classroom lecture, Winter 88.

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